
IPA: ʌbˈɔrd


  • On board; into or within a ship or boat; hence, into or within a railway car.
  • On or onto a horse, a camel, etc.
  • (baseball) On base.
  • Into a team, group, or company.
  • (nautical) Alongside.

Examples of "aboard" in Sentences

  • The cocoons are brought aboard the ship.
  • The consignment was sent aboard the manager.
  • He served as a storekeeper aboard the USS Cincinnati.
  • In the 1933 film, Jimmy is a sailor aboard the tramp.
  • Aboard the luxury liner is also the son of a millionaire.
  • The story is set aboard the Sky pirate ship The Galerider.
  • The squadron returned to the States aboard the USS Sicily.
  • Aboard the train, Paxton hears the voice of the businessman.
  • Among the dead was Thomas Finn and the fireman aboard the train.
  • Weight, with a Leupold VX3 3. 5X-10X scope aboard, is 8 pounds even.
  • A few months later, he was again aboard a Huey, this time on a classified mission.
  • Up and Over: While some dog vests now have grab handles, lifting a dog aboard is not difficult.
  • Also coming aboard is Kate Klonick, most recently — like me, like Laura McGann — of TPMmuckraker.
  • He was a good shot, too, and brought many a skin aboard under what the hunters termed impossible hunting conditions.
  • Foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann, left, chats with John McCain aboard the candidate's chartered plane last week.
  • The movement started when seven women were ordained by three Roman Catholic bishops aboard a ship on the Danube River in 2002.
  • Captain Hollinger -- for he assumed this title aboard the _Seamew_ -- looked at the two boys amusedly, then took each by an arm and propelled them toward the companionway.
  • It was my task to tally the pelts as they came aboard from the boats, to oversee the skinning and afterward the cleansing of the decks and bringing things ship-shape again.
  • Our meal that day was what we called aboard ship a ` stamp and go, 'all of us who were drafted being too excited to think much of eating -- all of us, that is, excepting Mick!

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