
IPA: ʌbˈʌvmɛnʃʌnd


  • (literary) mentioned above


IPA: ʌbˈʌvmˈɛnʃʌnd


  • Mentioned or named before; aforesaid.

Examples of "abovementioned" in Sentences

    Examples of "above-mentioned" in Sentences

    • There are already laws prohibiting the above-mentioned businesses.
    • “The Rulers” makes plain that all the above-mentioned phases “are preliminary steps to reach the (fifth) phase.”
    • The soundtrack: I consider this completely different from the above-mentioned sound effects, and of course you do too.
    • Does it occur to you that those attacks on the above-mentioned people might actually have substance behind them or be based onfacts?
    • As I cannot give you full reviews of the above-mentioned works and writers here, you can expect to read part of them in English now.
    • The following pages list the alleged and reputed members, associate members, and associates of each of the four above-mentioned sectors.
    • When I sat down and tried to list all the above-mentioned sites, I easily came up with a dozen good places I've bumped into over the years.
    • To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons: ***
    • So long as I state my assumptions clearly, what is the harm in claiming authority for them (besides, obviously, making myself look silly a la the above-mentioned Guardian reviewer)?
    • Our most reliable evidence on U.S. intermarriage rates in the first decade of the twentieth century suggests that about 12 percent of couples married in that decade remained in separate faiths as compared to the above-mentioned 10 percent in Northern Ireland today.

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