
IPA: æbsɪɫˈutɪst


  • One who is in favor of an absolute or autocratic government.
  • (metaphysics) One who believes that it is possible to realize a cognition or concept of the Absolute.
  • An uncompromising person; one who maintains certain principles to be absolute.


  • Of or pertaining to absolutism; arbitrary; despotic; uncompromising.

Examples of "absolutist" in Sentences

  • Of course it is an absolutist term.
  • But I'm not an absolutist on the subject.
  • If it has a Constituition it's not Absolutist.
  • There's no basis for such an absolutist approach.
  • His rule was absolutist and he was a firm autocrat.
  • There is no need to be absolutist in this, by the way.
  • Absolutist terminology is generally not helpful for this.
  • The absolutist elector also subdued the noble estates of Prussia.
  • In other issues Abel showed his absolutist and ultramontane position.
  • They must be absolutist, that is, about instituting a non-absolutist state.
  • The absolutist nature of the state was disputed in the Enlightenment period.
  • He is a First Amendment absolutist, which is to say that he follows the Constitution.
  • "She's an absolutist, which is a great strength," said her friend Michael Pollan, author of
  • This is the kind of absolutist logic that makes the discussion about abortion over before it starts.
  • Yet the wording of the amendment did not change when its scope changed; it is still written in absolutist terms.
  • Not long ago, a close comrade of mine was dining with a person who I can't identify beyond telling you that his father is a long-term absolutist ruler of an Arab Muslim state.
  • In fact, it was practised with great effect by Barack Obama during his presidential campaign - helping convince even conservative 'absolutist' voters to embrace a very 'systemic' concept of Change.
  • After all, the idea of absolutist tolerance exists for purposes beyond mediating athletic rivalries among coworkers and arbitrating those heated debates as to whether chocolate or vanilla is the better flavor of ice cream.
  • I also think he has his share of issues (far less than Bush’s issues mind you), as I, unlike you, do not see the world in absolutist’s shades of black and white, but in a million different colors … (this means I have no heros, idols or unrealistic expectations from anyone).
  • For all of the Founding Fathers 'wisdom, for the blessings of the Decelaration of Indpenedence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they were at the end of the day lawless revolutionaries fighting against the God-ordained government of their rightful King (this should not be taken as support for the idea of absolutist monarchy or the divine right of kings since a non-monarchical government would have the same' divine 'foundation, as does our Republic today; the State legislatures were also not empowered to act on behalf of their citizens in any way that outweighed the rights of the centralized monarchy at that time).

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