
IPA: ɑkˈʊrst


  • (prenominal) Hateful; detestable, loathsome.
  • (theology) Doomed to destruction or misery; cursed; anathematized.

Examples of "accursed" in Sentences

  • The curse is passed to the heir of the accursed.
  • It was an accursed place in the eyes of the Sikhs.
  • Accursed Highlands stretch from Maltsia to Rugova.
  • Does it never stop raining in this accursed place
  • The accursed Satan knows that the she will defeat him.
  • Both have failed, thanks to the accursed Hunter, Samus Aran.
  • He survived the crucifixion and did not die an accursed death.
  • Malekith the Accursed is a supervillain in the Marvel Universe.
  • As in 'Ruddigore', the curse is passed to the heir of the accursed.
  • Some of my sound files are in that accursed Real proprietary format.
  • "First the throne, Taramenon, and this bronze you call accursed is vital to attaining that.
  • Of his greatness and his power, this alone shall remain to him -- a name accursed from generation to generation.
  • From this deed the men who killed them were called accursed and guilty against the goddess, they and their descendants.
  • “We sell to him;” and another, “He deserveth her;” and a third, “Accursed, son of accursed, is he who biddeth and doth not buy!”
  • 'So may you be accursed,' she screamed in German; 'accursed, thrice accursed, you and all the hateful breed of you, with the curse of Dathan and Abiram, the curse of poverty and sterility and violent, shameful death!
  • The doctor states plainly that one thing only has preserved the place from the doom of the cities of the plain, and that is the presence of certain good Christians, otherwise Catholics, in what he terms the accursed city.
  • One of his drunken exclamations was, “And the jade doats on your youth, you raw blockhead! and talks of your noble deportment, as she calls your accursed English formality — and your pure morals, forsooth! des moeurs de Caton a-t-elle dit — sotte!”
  • That if this accursed thing were not destroyed they could not expect the return of God's gracious presence; in plain terms, neither will I be with you any more as I have been, except you destroy the accursed, that is, the accursed person, who is made so by the accursed thing.
  • But writing with Mr.C. waiting for his tea was, as you will easily admit, a moral impossibility; and after tea there were certain accursed flannel shirts (oh, the alterations that have been made on them!) to 'piece;' and yesterday, when I made sure of writing you a long letter, I had a headache, and/[Page 87]/durst not either write or read for fear of having to go to bed with it.

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