
IPA: ʌsitʌm


  • (obsolete) Vinegar, sometimes medicated.

Examples of "acetum" in Sentences

  • “Optimum et laudatissimum acetum a Romanis habebatur Ægyptum” (Facciolati); and possibly it was sweetened: the Gesta (Tale xvii.) mentions “must and vinegar.”
  • When used in the Liturgy the hymn is often broken into smaller hymns such as: Lustra sex qui iam peregit, En acetum, fel, arundo, and Crux fidelis inter omnes.
  • Quod etiam illi cum Germania commune esse crediderim, qu騞 videlicet nec illic panis crescat, nisi fort� in Munsteri, agro, vbi etiam acetum naturale optim� crescit.
  • Quod etiam illi cum Germania commune esse crediderim, quòd videlicet nec illic panis crescat, nisi fortè in Munsteri, agro, vbi etiam acetum naturale optimè crescit.
  • If you search out where it came from Pliny's Natural History, Book LXXII, a copy here, the whole sentance reads: "lanae et per se coactae vestem faciunt et, si addatur acetum, etiam ferro resistunt, immo vero etiam ignibus novissimo sui purgamento"
  • Rum, miscetur aqua -- dulci miscetur acetum, fiet et ex tali foedere -- nobile Punch. and our worthy grand-fathers used to take a dose of it every night in their lives, before going to bed, till doctor Cheyne alarmed them by the information, that they were pouring liquid fire down their throats.

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