
IPA: ʌsitʌɫ


  • (organic chemistry) The univalent radical CH₃CO- derived from acetic acid.

Examples of "acetyl" in Sentences

  • The antidote is a remarkable compound called acetyl cysteine.
  • Other compounds with hydrophobic portions and a negative charge, such as acetyl tryptophan, were also effective.
  • Based on their studies of salicum, researchers derived a synthetic drug called acetyl salicylic acid, better known today as aspirin.
  • All cholesterol is made from the basic molecule called acetyl CoA, which comes from the metabolism of carbohydrate, metabolism of extra protein, and metabolism of fat.
  • Histones physically control access to genes, and adding small functional groups such as acetyl or methyl units to them can selectively switch certain genes on and off.
  • Removal of the "acetyl" chemical groups on PGC-1alpha activates this protein so that it can turn on certain genes that generate mitochondria and turn muscle into the type suited for endurance.
  • He would obviously have to be sedated before we could do anything, and among the rush of new drugs were excellent tranquillisers such as acetyl promazine There was, however, the small matter of one of us grasping that leonine head while the other lifted a fold of skin and inserted the needle.

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