
IPA: ʌsˈɪdʌti


  • The quality or state of being acid.
  • Sourness; tartness; sharpness to the taste.
  • (pathology) Excessive acid quality, as in gastric secretions.
  • (figurative) A caustic, sour, biting, or bitter quality.

Examples of "acidity" in Sentences

  • Taste again when the acidity is at a level you like.
  • Lemon's acidity is what some people like but not me.
  • No doubt it’s true that the oceans increase in acidity is all made up, too.
  • The acidity is bright, almost brash, and the finish is medium-long and dry.
  • I mean, you say acidity is especially undervalued as a general flavor booster.
  • One wine might be big and rich, perhaps even blowsy, while another is high in acidity with a decidedly minerally edge.
  • With CA bubblies now high in acidity and minerality, because of where they are grown, the differences at the non-vintage level seem to favor CA by a wide margin when price is factored in.
  • It is not unfair to criticize CA wine for all kinds of things, and going after Chardonnay for being overoaked, overripe, low in acidity is by now a path that has been trod by virtually everyone at some time.
  • Someone once said that the first requirement of any great vintage is that it be low in acidity, but my experience has been completely contrary to this assertion, and I strongly believe that the greatest vintages one sees down through the ages are those that are on the high side in terms of acidity and coupled with ripe, but not overripe fruit.

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