IPA: æknˈɑɫɪdʒ
- (transitive) To admit the knowledge of; to recognize as a fact or truth; to declare one's belief in
- (transitive) To own or recognize in a particular quality, character or relationship; to admit the claims or authority of; to give recognition to.
- (transitive) To be grateful of (e.g. a benefit or a favour)
- (transitive) To report (the receipt of a message to its sender).
- (transitive) To own as genuine or valid; to assent to (a legal instrument) to give it validity; to avow or admit in legal form.
Examples of "acknowledge" in Sentences
- What Goldstein fails to acknowledge is that this line has already been crossed.
- Another thing they will not acknowledge is the make-up of the force arresting and deporting these criminal entrants.
- What they will not acknowledge is that the Home Office will have spent £400,000 of taxpayers 'money to make the series.
- What you fail to mention or acknowledge is that while charter schools do need to take all comers they are free to push out students that do not conform to the program.
- But what they refuse to acknowledge is that the Bush Administration lied about the necessity for going to war, and that they knew the things they were syaing were not true.
- What the Mayor and all other tunnel fear-mongers refuse to acknowledge is that, according to the Attorney General, the state probably cannot even require the city to pay cost overruns.
- January 23rd, 2010 at 6: 30 pm ralph the wonder llama says: pezmiztix says: what you are failing to acknowledge is obama has done nothing but focus on pushing his ideological agenda upon the country INSTEAD off focusing on the needs of the country
- Finally, and possibly most importantly, what Balkin fails to acknowledge is that when it comes to the law-making procedures, the Court has not historically taken a functionalist approach, but instead has adhered to a very rigorous formalist approach.
- Because they are evil people who would be the first to nail Christ to the cross if he ever did try to come back. pezmiztix says: what you are failing to acknowledge is obama has done nothing but focus on pushing his ideological agenda upon the country INSTEAD off focusing on the needs of the country
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