
IPA: ˈædʌmʌntɫi


  • In an immovable or inflexible manner.

Examples of "adamantly" in Sentences

  • She lied about Biden "adamantly" supporting McCain's Iraq plans.
  • I can’t get the image of Marin adamantly reprimanding a disillusioned Hurley that “Dave’s not here.”
  • Mexican civil society arose spontaneously and called adamantly for peace from both sides, and for justice.
  • I had requested slides, kind of adamantly, up till the -- pretty much, last few days, but was denied access to a slide projector.
  • Unfortunately, I remain adamantly opposed because I am sure the Democrats and their country club Republican allies are going to sabotage it.
  • Never married, Neeson "adamantly" refuses to discuss his love life, which has included relationships with Barbra Streisand, Julia Roberts and Brooke Shields.
  • While Einstein adamantly declared himself without religion, he never considered himself an atheist but a scientist; however he always considered himself a member of the Jewish culture and with the changes taking place in Germany, he became a prominent spokesmen for the Zionist movement.

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