IPA: ʌdˈɑpʃʌn
- The act of adopting.
- The state of being adopted; the acceptance of a child of other parents as if he or she were one's own child.
- Admission to an institution, for example a hospital, clinic, mental asylum.
- The choosing and making that to be one's own which originally was not so; acceptance
- (computing) Transfer between an old system to another (usually better) system.
- (theology) An act of divine grace by which the redeemed in Christ are admitted to the privileges of the sons of God.
- (chess, slang) Ten consecutive wins against an opponent.
Examples of "adoption" in Sentences
- The couple decided to grow their family through adoption rather than through traditional means
- She felt a deep sense of fulfillment and joy after finalizing the adoption of her daughter
- The adoption process can be long and challenging, but the reward is immeasurable
- Many children in foster care are waiting for a loving family to provide them with a forever home through adoption
- The agency worked diligently to match the child with the perfect family for adoption