IPA: ʌdˈɑptɪv
- Related through adoption.
- Pertaining to adoption.
Examples of "adoptive" in Sentences
- "We call adoptive him who is stranger to the adopter."
- * Absent or divorced parents; inadequate bonding in adoptive families
- Danny picked up the phone and called their adoptive mother, June, on her cell phone, and told her what happened.
- "As we speak, my officials are calling adoptive parents as we identify which children are on the flight," Kenney said Saturday.
- The concept by which state and local law enforcement agencies still circumvent the Missouri Constitution is known as "adoptive forfeiture."
- In short-term adoptive transfer experiments S1P1-deficient mature B cells accumulated in the BM, but a role for S1P1 in egress was not established
- Second, if Diamond was correct then forager children raised in adoptive Western homes should become as smart as or, indeed, smarter than their white siblings.
- Kalos said past efforts to use the technique, known as "adoptive T-cell transfer," failed either because the T-cell response was too weak or proved too toxic for normal tissue.
- As Philolaus gave them laws concerning many other things, so did he upon adoption, which they call adoptive laws; and this he in particular did to preserve the number of families.
- But, as the mere fact of the unction does not effect a radical unification (for this schools rejects absorption), the unification is made perfect, according to them, by what they call the adoptive birth of Christ -- the ultimate result of the unction of the Father.
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