IPA: ʌdˈɔrʌbɫi
- In an adorable manner.
Examples of "adorably" in Sentences
- “Yes, Willy,” she added, pronouncing the name so adorably that Richard smiled.
- Kudos to her for dancing seductively and winking adorably, which is a side that was much too light for the previous two singles.
- Game heroines are a tricky bunch, and are frequently either portrayed as insufferably perfect hard-cases, or fragile, "adorably" shy and pure do-gooders.
- Earlier, after the tennis, Tamra and Gazungas had sat on a bench ( "I feel so New York, like we're in Central Park" Tamra sad, kind of adorably, about sitting on a bench) and bitched about Gretchen.
- People stagger 'round the grounds with a certain disposition, adorably enthusiastic girls and some frighteningly naïve, roid-raged bros bump and grind, pilled out tweens with pacifiers screech and scream.
- People stagger 'round the grounds with a certain disposition, adorably enthusiastic girls and some frighteningly naïve, roid-raged bros bump and grind, pilled out tweens with pacifiers screech and scream.
- It's so touching, the support network that can spring up behind some kinds of artists--just loving people who want to help, and devoted techgeek support behind folky girlartistry is kind of adorably amazing all around.
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