IPA: ʌdrˈinɝtʃ
- A stage of maturation of the cortex of the human adrenal glands, related to puberty, typically occurring between the ages of six and ten years and involving both structural and functional changes.
Examples of "adrenarche" in Sentences
- Adrenarche is a natural process during which the adrenal glands begin to produce hormones like DHEA
- The onset of adrenarche typically occurs during adolescence, around the age of 8 to 13 years old
- Adrenarche is important for the development of secondary sexual characteristics and plays a role in the maturation of the reproductive system
- Some research suggests that early onset adrenarche may be associated with an increased risk of developing certain health conditions later in life
- Monitoring hormone levels during adrenarche can help healthcare providers assess the child's growth and development