IPA: ædvˈɛntʃɝɝ
- One who enjoys adventures.
- A person who seeks a fortune in new and possibly dangerous enterprises.
- A soldier of fortune, a speculator.
- A person who tries to advance their social position by somewhat devious means.
- (video games) A player of adventure games or text adventures.
Examples of "adventurer" in Sentences
- The fearless adventurer trekked through the dense jungle in search of ancient ruins
- The young adventurer had a thirst for exploration and eagerly set off on their first solo journey
- As an experienced adventurer, she knew the importance of being prepared for any obstacle that may arise
- The group of adventurers set sail on a daring quest to uncover the lost treasure of the legendary pirate
- The brave adventurer faced countless trials and challenges on their quest, but ultimately emerged victorious