IPA: ɛsθˈɛtɪk
- The study of art or beauty.
- That which appeals to the senses.
- The artistic motifs defining a collection of things, especially works of art; more broadly, their aura or “vibe”.
- Concerned with beauty, artistic effect, or appearance.
- Beautiful or appealing to one's sense of beauty or art.
Examples of "aesthetic" in Sentences
- The minimalist design of the room was carefully curated to achieve a pleasing aesthetic
- The art gallery showcased a diverse range of aesthetic styles, from abstract to realism
- The fashion designer focused on creating pieces that combined comfort with a modern aesthetic
- The Instagram influencer's feed was filled with photos of picturesque landscapes and trendy cafes, all carefully selected for their aesthetic appeal
- The new restaurant in town had a sleek, industrial aesthetic that drew in customers seeking a trendy dining experience