IPA: ægrʌgˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of collecting together, of aggregating.
- The state of being collected into a mass, assemblage, or (aggregated) sum.
- A collection of particulars; an aggregate.
- (networking) Summarizing multiple routes into one route.
- (epidemiology) The majority of the parasite population concentrated into a minority of the host population.
- (object-oriented programming) Kind of object composition which does not imply ownership.
- (linguistics) A component of natural language generation that entails combining syntactic elements.
Examples of "aggregation" in Sentences
- Their business model of aggregation is against the current trend of fragmentation. — james
- As a concept I think this aggregation is an interesting idea, although, executions have thus far been pretty not great.
- In many ways Friendster was the perfect model but the fact it crashed and burned begins to disprove that mere aggregation is the answer.
- He says - maybe it's true of Manchester United as well - that a big factor in success is what he calls the aggregation of minute di ff erences.
- Um, I hate to break it to this columnist, but "aggregation" is the model that the American media industry has been following since at least the 70s.
- Anonymous said ... artanis, Alzheimer's is caused by a variety of physical complications, the least of which is protein aggregation (amyloid plaques).
- Protein aggregation is the cause of several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and Creuzfeldt-Jacob disease, as well as pancreatic insufficiency, which causes type 2 diabetes.
- This aggregation is little more (and by little more, I mean nothing more) than you entering your username (or a url where a username is non-obvious) and they putting in links to your various profile pages.