IPA: ˈæɫ
- The Indian mulberry, Morinda citrifolia, especially as used to make dye.
- (sciences) Alfen number
- A diminutive of the male given names Alan, Albert, Alexander, Alfred, or other names beginning with Al-[[#English|]], from the Celtic languages, the Germanic languages, Ancient Greek, or Old English.
- A surname from Dutch.
- Initialism of assembly language. [(computer languages) A programming language in which the source code of programs is composed of mnemonic instructions, each of which corresponds directly to a machine instruction for a particular processor.]
- Initialism of artificial life. [the simulation of any aspect of life.]
- Initialism of auxiliary language. [Any language (whether constructed or natural), such as Volapük, Esperanto, Swahili, French, Russian or English, used or intended to be used (locally, regionally, nationally or internationally) for intercommunication by speakers of various other languages.]
- Initialism of annual leave. [(workplace) Amount of time expressed as the number of days per year that an employee is entitled to be away from work.]
- Abbreviation of Alabama, a state of the United States of America. [An indigenous Muscogee people of central Alabama.]
- Abbreviation of Alagoas, a state of Brazil. [A state of the Northeast Region, Brazil. Capital: Maceió]
- (US, Canada, baseball) Initialism of American League. [(baseball) The younger of the two professional baseball leagues within Major League Baseball.]
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