
IPA: ɑɫbˈaɪt


  • (mineralogy) A plagioclase feldspar, the first member of the Albite-Anorthite solid solution series.

Examples of "albite" in Sentences

  • They've grown on a spectacular backdrop matrix of gem quartz, purple lepidolite and white albite blades.
  • Sodium occurs abundantly as nitrate (NaNO_ {3}) in Chili saltpetre, and as silicate in various minerals, such as albite (or soda-felspar).
  • In chemical composition and in optical and other physical characters it is thus much nearer to the anorthite end of the series than to albite.
  • It depends on the felspar present -- _i. e._, whether it is orthoclase, oligoclase, or albite -- whether the soil will be rich in potash or not.
  • Those yielded by orthoclase must generally abound in potash, while albite and labradorite, containing little or none of that element, must produce soils in which it is deficient.
  • Basically, a process called metamorphism caused the basalts in Shenandoah to recrystallize with new minerals, such as chlorite, epidote, and albite, which help give the rocks their greenish hue.
  • The best specimens are afforded by the beautifully developed transparent glassy crystals, found with albite, prehnite and quartz, in a zone of amphibolite and chlorite-schists at Le Bourg d'Oisans in Dauphiné.
  • The albite which the former contains undergoes a rapid decomposition, and yields abundance of soda along with some potash, which is seldom altogether wanting, while the hornblende supplies both lime and magnesia.
  • There are, for instance, several different minerals commonly classified under the name of felspar, which have been distinguished by mineralogists by the names of orthoclase, albite, oligoclase, and labradorite; and there are at least two sorts of mica, two of hornblende, and many varieties of zeolites.
  • They are divisible into two great classes, which have received the names of diorite and dolerite, the former a mixture of albite and hornblende, the latter of augite and labradorite, sometimes with considerable quantities of a sort of oligoclase containing both soda and lime, and of different kinds of zeolitic minerals.

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