IPA: ˈæɫkʌɫaɪn
- An alkaline battery.
- Of, or relating to an alkali, one of a class of caustic bases.
- (chemistry) Having a pH greater than 7.
Examples of "alkaline" in Sentences
- The lakes can be characterized as alkaline, moderately hardwater lakes of relatively high mineral content, and are eutrophic.
- Recipe for tortillas: – Soften corn in alkaline water, then grind it fine, pat into round cakes, and bake on a thin, iron pan.
- * CVS chooses Duracell, private-label alkaline batteries * Chain says will still sell Energizer lithium batteries By Jessica Wohl
- One has to understand that when the term alkaline or acid is used it is the state of the ash of the metabolized food that is being measured.
- Private label alkaline battery sales rose 5.5 percent, in dollars, to a 18.9 percent share during the latest 52 week period, according to IRI.
- For, if we first use perhydrol as oxidizing agent in alkaline solution and then acidify with nitric acid, sulphur is not precipitated and fully correct results are obtained.
- But this year it is a little bit different, because there is a thing that they put into the gas called alkaline which is an additive for summer grade gasoline and that is in short supply.