IPA: ʌɫˈɛɫi
- (genetics) One of a number of alternative forms of the same gene occupying a given position, or locus, on a chromosome.
Examples of "allele" in Sentences
- Evolution is about one thing: The explanation for the changes in allele frequencies over time.
- (An allele is any of the variants of a gene that takes more than one form; such genes are known as polymorphisms.
- The mechanisms whereby genomes are reduced or expanded are often not the standard "neo-Darwinian processes", ie changes in allele frequency.
- Mesk, when you suggest that an allele is conserved if it has 0. 0001% advantage, you are comparing apples to oranges in this case, are you not?
- The allele could originate by mutation of an allele for brown fur and the environment caused selection which caused a change in allele frequency.
- If you did it with 5,000 mutants and 5,000 wild-types (enough to detect a selective advantage as small as 0.005%) and saw changes in allele frequency compatible with drift, people would definitely stand up and take notice.
- With interesting applications here for diagnosis, therapy models and possibly even pharmaceuticals, the authors concluded that "the absence of this protective bias in short-allele carriers is likely to be linked with the heightened susceptibility to mood disorders such as depression and anxiety that has been reported in this group."