IPA: ʌmˈæɫgʌm
- (metallurgy) An alloy containing mercury.
- A combination of different things.
- One of the ingredients in an alloy.
- (transitive, intransitive, archaic) To amalgamate (something) with a thing.
Examples of "amalgam" in Sentences
- When the amalgam is heated, the mercury vaporizes, leaving the silver.
- Kors: You wrote Spanglish, arguing that this amalgam is a valid form of expression, not a slumland corruption of two great languages.
- Also of note is the fact that foods high in sulfur will exacerbate the odor according to Dr. Andrew Cutler who has written a manual on mercury detox from what he calls amalgam illness.
- Again, you will see I can repeat this experiment with another substance; for if I take a glass rod, and rub it with a piece of silk covered with what we call amalgam, look at the attraction which it has; how it draws the ball toward it; and then, as before, by quietly rubbing it through the hand, the attraction will be all removed again, to come back by friction with this silk.