IPA: ɑmɑnwˈɛnsʌs
- One employed to take dictation, or copy manuscripts.
- A clerk, secretary or stenographer, or scribe.
Examples of "amanuensis" in Sentences
- Eight to five you never heard the word amanuensis and you never saw a cocklebur.”
- You were added to the list for one reason, John: you added the word "amanuensis" to my vocabulary.
- In the screenshot above, I'm using YubNub to do a Google search for the word "amanuensis". posted by Jonathan at
- The amanuensis was a red-haired young man -- probably a colonial from one of the worlds of Rita's Veil, judging by his accent.
- Paul's autograph salutation (so 1Co 16: 21; 2Th 3: 17), attesting that the preceding letter, though written by an amanuensis, is from himself.
- Driven by the "very human desire for philosophical immortality," Bruno recites his life story to a young researcher, his "amanuensis," in a lab where he's being held for murder.
- My amanuensis is a gentleman who acted as my aide-de-camp, and I beg you will acquaint his good father that he acquitted himself highly to my satisfaction, and showed himself deserving the stock from which he sprung.
- Which amanuensis is a drunken, bankrupt village grocer, of whom my son-in-law is one of the defrauded creditors – Mr. L — having intrusted him with about forty pounds 'worth of the plantation rice, to sell on commission for him, which rice, indeed, was sold, but was never accounted for, and as the man is a bankrupt, never will be.