IPA: ˈæmʌtɝ
- (now rare) A lover of something.
- A person attached to a particular pursuit, study, science, or art (such as music or painting), especially one who cultivates any study, interest, taste, or attachment without engaging in it professionally.
- Someone who is unqualified or insufficiently skillful.
- Non-professional.
- Created, done, or populated by amateurs or non-professionals.
- Showing a lack of professionalism, experience or talent.
Examples of "amateur" in Sentences
- Over the decades, the word amateur changed its meaning.
- The word amateur comes from the Latin amator, meaning to love.
- But I don't think the term amateur is being used that way here.
- The word amateur comes from the French 'amour', meaning someone who loves what they do.
- Then it dawned on me that the word "amateur" comes from the French word meaning "to love."
- Over the decades, the word amateur changed from conveying a moral sensibility, into an economic one.
- I totally agree with your etymological assessment of the term amateur, I will always be an amateur, never a professional. lichanos
- Because he chooses words carefully, I was not totally surprised when he suggested that "the term amateur may have outlived its usefulness."