IPA: æmbˈɪʃʌs
- (of a person or their character) Having or showing ambition; wanting a lot of power, honor, respect, superiority, or other distinction.
- (followed by "of" or the infinitive) Very desirous
- Resulting from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition
- Hard to achieve.
Examples of "ambitious" in Sentences
- He added: The word 'ambitious' is one we're entirely familiar with.
- They did not like what they called my ambitious ways -- and so they sent me to the Cold Country.
- I hear from professional women each day that the term "ambitious" has negative connotations for them.
- He has faced setbacks in what he calls an "ambitious" plan, including a management shake-up at the core French operations.
- Links said EU negotiators made what he labelled ambitious requests in the previous round of talks with regard to areas such as cars, textiles, clothing and ceramics.
- NEWTON: Well, in this case, I think the Iraqis should be commended because they've learned one of the lessons in early tribunals was to what I call ambitious overcharging.
- WASHINGTON - The government is setting what it calls an ambitious goal for Alzheimer's disease: Development of effective ways to treat and prevent the mind-destroying illness by 2025.
- WASHINGTON -- The government is setting what it calls an ambitious goal for Alzheimer's disease: Development of effective ways to treat and prevent the mind-destroying illness by 2025.
- BRUSSELS Reuters - Unrest in North Africa has set back in the short term ambitious plans to develop solar energy for use locally and in Europe, but for the longer term the region's abundant sunshine offers huge investment potential, the head of France's Medgrid said on Thursday.
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