IPA: æmbˈɪʃʌs
- (of a person or their character) Having or showing ambition; wanting a lot of power, honor, respect, superiority, or other distinction.
- (followed by "of" or the infinitive) Very desirous
- Resulting from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition
- Hard to achieve.
Examples of "ambitious" in Sentences
- I'm much more ambitious than dextrous.
- The plan was complicated and ambitious.
- He is the most ambitious of all of them.
- He is ambitious and impulsive and breaks all the rules.
- The album is among the most ambitious of Joel's albums.
- Ambitious and urbane, Leighton was an aspiring diplomat.
- He is ambitious, confident, vying, aggressive and foolhardy.
- The game design was ambitious for the technology at the time.
- It was followed by the ambitious project of the Ladoga Canals.
- It tells the clash story of an ambitious politician and a racketeer.
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