
IPA: ʌmˈiɫʌnkjɝ


  • Any tree or shrub in the genus Amelanchier of the pome fruit subtribe Malinae of the family Rosaceae, with edible, blueberry-like fruit.

Examples of "amelanchier" in Sentences

  • (_amelanchier_), with their clusters of purplish-red fruit.
  • There is a tree in Savoy, called there the amelanchier, near of kin to this of ours.
  • A few maples and elms, and a fine amelanchier, appear among them, relieving their monotonous character.
  • Even the botanists have given them a great variety of names, as _pyrus, mespilus, aronia, crataegus_, and _amelanchier_.
  • Fothergilla, amelanchier, styrax japonicus, paper-bark maple, viburnums of all kinds, a 'green man' from Bamberg mine's from Norwich Cathedral.
  • Mountains; and in the more northern latitudes these groves often consist of berry-bearing bushes -- such as wild currants, bird and choke cherries, the _amelanchier_ and _hippophae canadensis_.
  • The banks under the rocks were starred with primroses, and from the rocks themselves there hung with cotoneaster the large and graceful white blossoms of that limestone-loving shrub, the amelanchier.
  • The Silky Leaf-cutter gathers the materials for her pots, her lids and her barricades from the following plants: paliurus, hawthorn, vine, wild briar, bramble, holm-oak, amelanchier, terebinthus, sage-leaved rock-rose.
  • Maples, sumachs, sourwood (Oxydendrum), liquidambar, azaleas, rowans and amelanchier all help to fuel the bonfire, together with nyssa and cercidiphyllum closer to the water - the latter infusing the air with caramel scent (if not, pick up a handful of the fallen leaves and inhale deeply).
  • His flight in search of food had daily led him farther on, till he had discovered and explored the Rosedale Creek, with its banks of silver-birch, and Castle Frank, with its grapes and rowan berries, as well as Chester woods, where amelanchier and Virginia-creeper swung their fruit-bunches, and checkerberries glowed beneath the snow.

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