
IPA: ʌmˈɛndʌd


  • That has been modified from a previous form.

Examples of "amended" in Sentences

  • One revision I would like to see amended is the 4 great powerveto.
  • Two years later the film was released it's title amended to Suzannne Simonin: La Religieuse de Diderot.
  • (After some verbal amendments, by unanimous con - sent, in the bill, and the title amended so as to read,
  • The bill was read the third time under a suspension of the rules and passed, the title amended by inserting after Noxubee, Winston and Washington counties.
  • We, therefore, believe firmly, applying the balancing test drawn from Keith, that FISA as amended is constitutional because the surveillances it authorizes are reasonable.
  • Bill to amend chapter 162 of the acts of 1865, was read and passed to be engrossed, and the title amended by adding the words, "concerning the admission of sick persons to the State Almshouses. '
  • Part IV of Executive Order No. 10161 (footnote 3) of September 9, 1950 (15 F.R. 6105), as amended, is hereby further amended by revoking sections 403 to 410, inclusive, and by inserting after section 402 thereof the following new section 403:
  • To incorporate the Montgomery Ouard Association of * the city of Boston; and In relation to qualification of voters (amended on motions of Messrs. Babson and Pillsbury of Boston and Dunham of Pittsfield, and the title amended on motion of the first-named gentleman to read ** Bill requiring overseers of the poor to make certain returns'*); and Resolves:
  • 'amended*, acts of 1935, is hereby amended by adding at the end the following clause: —; provided, however, that no constable or special constable shall stop or arrest any person for viola - tion of a motor vehicle law unless such constable or special constable is in uniform or displays his badge conspicuously on the outside of his outer coat or garment.

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