IPA: ʌmɛtrˈoʊpiʌ
- (medicine, ophthalmology) Any of several disorders of the eye (spherical or cylindrical) resulting from faulty refractive ability.
Examples of "ametropia" in Sentences
- - severe, usually congenital, mental deficiency. ametropia
- I have discovered ametropia in the particular form of irregular astigmatism.
- They are amblyopic, and this is due partially to a high degree of ametropia (caused by crushing of the eyeball in the endeavor to shut out light) and from retinal exhaustion and nystagmus.
- Incorporating patented HyperBond (TM) technology and HydrolEyes (TM) surface science, the SynergEyes (R) contact lenses with FDA market clearance include: SynergEyes (R) A for naturally occurring ametropia, targeting patients with astigmatism, current gas permeable lens wearers, and patients demanding optimized vision; the SynergEyes (R) Multifocal lens for presbyopia;