IPA: ˈeɪmiʌ
- The bowfin, Amia calva.
Examples of "amia" in Sentences
- Cuthbert looked at him grimly, with not a trace of his usual amia-bility.
- Several well-dressed ci - vilians lounged next to the front wagon and chatted amia - bly with the officer in charge of the cops.
- The mere absence of rocks gave the soil a kind of amia - bility and generosity, and the absence of natural bound - aries gave the spirit a wider range.
- Some fishes are exclusively carnivorous, as the cartilaginous genus, the conger, the channa or Serranus, the tunny, the bass, the synodon or Dentex, the amia, the sea-perch, and the muraena.
- Fishes as a rule take on growth with rapidity, but this is peculiarly the case with all species of fish found in the Pontus; the growth, for instance, of the amia-tunny is quite visible from day to day.
- Though Sir Charles had resided at Baskerville Hall for a comparatively short period his amia - bility of character and extreme generosity had won the affection and respect of all who had been brought into contact with him.