IPA: ʌmˈoʊniʌm
- (inorganic chemistry) The univalent NH₄⁺ cation, derived by the protonation of ammonia
- (organic chemistry, especially in combination) Any similar cation formed by replacing one or more hydrogen atoms with alkyl or aryl radicals
Examples of "ammonium" in Sentences
- The oxidizer is called ammonium dinitramide A.D.N.
- ANFO seemed to be an acronym for ammonium nitrate and fuel oil.
- You may recall ammonium nitrate was used in the Oklahoma City bombing.
- The salts formed by the action of the base ammonium hydroxide on acids are called ammonium salts.
- The material is called ammonium nitrate binary explosive and it is used sometimes for target practice.
- A year later Ampère discovered that nitrogen and hydrogen, when combined in certain proportions to form what he called ammonium, have the same property.
- Richard Brunquell passes ammonia through tubes filled with charcoal, and heated to redness so as to form cyanide of ammonium, which is converted into the ferrocyanide of potassium by contact with potash solution and suitable iron compounds.