
IPA: ʌnækrʌnˈɪstɪk


  • Erroneous in date; containing an anachronism; in a wrong time; not applicable to or not appropriate for the time.
  • (of a person) Having opinions from the past; preferring things or values of the past; behind the times; overly conservative.

Examples of "anachronistic" in Sentences

  • And that's the kind of anachronistic rule that ought to be ...
  • Which brings me to my final critique: you misspelled "anachronistic" in your last paragraph.
  • It's also a way of feeling less anachronistic, which is why a lot of fiction writers are into Twitter.
  • Fortunately, this course of events was averted by a yet another "anachronistic" operation - the Navy-Marine Corps amphibious assault at Inchon.
  • Year upon year critics predict couture's demise, calling anachronistic an art form that generates little or no money in a profit-driven industry.
  • Instead of "anachronistic" groupings like the G-77 plus China, the world should look toward new blocs which recognize the future peril of climate change.
  • OTOH it does not mean that old arguments against the Trinity or other affirmations made by our forebears should be dismissed now for being "anachronistic" or "obsolete".
  • At the same time, he vowed that his government would continue to push for the lifting of what he called the "anachronistic" and "discriminatory" arms embargo against China.
  • One that already sounds anachronistic is Cleggmania, alongside its cousin its cousin, Cleggstasy, both of which only seem to be referred to in the past tense in common parlance these days.
  • It's kind of anachronistic to spend so much time on something that's just going to be thrown out there with everything else that's out there, but it means you can't really be results-orientated.

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