IPA: ænˈɑrkɪzʌm
- A political and philosophical belief that all forms of involuntary rule or government are undesirable, unnecessary, or unethical, and as such that society would function without a state.
- A belief that proposes the abolition of hierarchy and authority in most forms.
Examples of "anarchism" in Sentences
- We are not using the term anarchism as shorthand for armed activities.
- The term anarchism derives from the Greek anarchos, meaning "without rulers."
- Then what you call anarchism would just be what I call libertarianism except that in
- And the word anarchism has been so stripped of substance that it has come to be equated with chaos and nihilism.
- But did these traditional anarchists actually agree with contemporary social anarchists’ interpretive claims about the meaning of the term anarchism, or the essential features of the anarchist tradition?
- … 1. For the purposes of this essay, I will mostly be using the term anarchism as shorthand for individualist anarchism; since the defense of anarchism I will offer rests on individualist principles, it will not provide a cogent basis for communist, primitivist, or other non-individualist forms of anarchism.