IPA: ʌnˈæθʌmʌ
- (ecclesiastical, historical) A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, often accompanied by excommunication; something denounced as accursed.
- (by extension) Something which is vehemently disliked by somebody.
- (literary) An imprecation; a curse; a malediction.
- (ecclesiastical) Any person or thing anathematized, or cursed by ecclesiastical authority to unending punishment.
Examples of "anathema" in Sentences
- I'm just excited I used the word anathema in a sentence!
- The Greek word anathema, Hebrew herem, means to accurse, execrate, to damn.
- The word anathema frequently occurs in St. Paul's writings, and is generally translated accused.
- Curse Alviarin and that triply cursed proclamation calling anathema on anyone who approached him save through the Tower.
- So across the political spectrum, for anyone thinking in essentialist terms, the mores render the word anathema from both directions.
- The word is anathema to conservative or middle-of-the-road politicians in most countries, who see in it a radical and perhaps exaggerated voice.
- A solemn anathema is pronounced against Nestorius and Eutyches; against all heretics by whom Christ is divided, or confounded, or reduced to a phantom.
- Even lifestyle choices like driving a small car, carpooling and living in the vicinity of where we work are largely anathema, which is why I'm not the least bit shocked by the Lexus LS 600h L.
- Of course (he says self-servingly) the No Spin Zone rejects predictability entirely and lives to ask questions that require actual thought, a word anathema to most politicians in this age of spin.