
IPA: ʌnˈætʌmaɪz


  • (transitive) To inspect or investigate by dissection.
  • (transitive) To scrutinize down to the most minute detail.

Examples of "anatomize" in Sentences

  • Thus, during mid-century, the business of American cultural historians was to anatomize the triumphant American
  • For the society Sander set out to anatomize into permanent categories was changing rapidly -- indeed, was hurtling toward self-destruction.
  • Remainder doesn't pretend to anatomize the human mind, translating its ineffable qualities into sensible prose, as so much middling psychological realism post-Joyce and post-Woolf generally settles for.
  • While seeking out and trying to anatomize the strange gardens abandoned in place by the Outers' greatest genius, Avernus, the gene wizard Sri Hong-Owen is embroiled in the plots and counterplots of the family that employs her.
  • I offer the following flim-flam to the examination of your readers, all of whom are, I presume, more or less, readers of Shakspeare, and far better qualified than I am to "anatomize" his writings, and "see what bred about his heart."
  • But now, as George Orwell, he is in a position to anatomize the economic and class infrastructure of St. Cyprian's, and those hierarchies of power that the pupil would later meet in grown-up, public, political form: in this respect those schools were truly named "preparatory."
  • Easy to appeal to but hard to anatomize and harder to practice intelligently, there are honorable loyalties, but there are also stupid ones, and destructive ones, and it is particularly self-righteous and futile to stress it in a relationship that involves careers, talent and business.

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