IPA: ˈænsɛstri
- The state of being ancestors
- birth to a noble or high-ranking family, or to someone of honorable descent.
- A series of ancestors; the people from whom one is descended
Examples of "ancestry" in Sentences
- Your ancestry is from Africa and now you live in America.
- It refutes your position that ancestry is not a characteristic.
- To apologize or compensate people because of their ancestry is ridiculous.
- With clades the ancestry is assumed depending on shared characteristic traits.
- That everybody (that looks like of Latin ancestry most likely) is presumed GUILTY, not INNOCENT.
- Their common ancestry is both the materials used and the creative impetus that caused them to come into being.
- Obviously African-American ancestry is different from Irish-American ancestry and we would expect some statistical differences.
- Like so many contemporary people Alice's ancestry is mixed: African, Native American, European, and yet it is Africa that seems to have a permanent call to her heart.
- You've argued above, following Woese's theory, that at the "Darwinian threshold" molecular homology becomes a reliable indicator of vertical descent (i.e., common ancestry from a discrete cell).