IPA: ˈæŋkɝʌdʒ
- (nautical) A harbor, river, or offshore area that can accommodate a ship at anchor, either for quarantine, queuing, or discharge.
- (nautical) A fee charged for anchoring.
- That into which something is anchored or fastened.
- (medicine) The surgical fixation of prolapsed organs.
- The act of anchoring, or the condition of lying at anchor.
- The set of anchors belonging to a ship.
- The retreat of a hermit, or anchorite.
- (figurative) Something on which one may depend for security; ground of trust.
- A large coastal city in Alaska.
Examples of "anchorage" in Sentences
- The bow ranks were flooded; the whole front of the anchorage was a wreck of sunken boats.
- Here, in your secure little anchorage, is a compound of life's social pleasures in the womb of nature.
- Thus at Amsterdam he called the anchorage Van Diemen's Road, and where the boats went for water Maria's
- About four miles from the anchorage was a small opening in the mangroves, but of too little importance to take any notice of.
- February 26th, 2009 at 3: 14 pm till bridge loans in anchorage ak says: till bridge loans in anchorage ak … tag antisocial torus temporary thrashes?
- The anchorage is a delightful one; I would willingly have stayed there for a couple of days instead of beating about in the open sea with the wind up half the time.
- This anchorage is a wonderful place; the water is extremely deep, and the rocks which bound the coast exceed in ruggedness and boldness of outline any that I ever saw before.
- i was raised in anchorage and edwin boyd johnson is actually my great-uncle. so, i got to view photos of my home town and a painting of my g-uncle's i had not seen yet. thanks a lot!
- The tides of the great sea do not rise and fall there; the anchorage is good; the winds that weep over the waters bring balm with them; and the banner that floats at the entrance bears this inscription –