IPA: ˈeɪntʃʌnts
- The people of classical antiquity, especially such writers and philosophers.
Examples of "ancients" in Sentences
- And sending from Miletus to Ephesus, he called the ancients of the church.
- And it came to pass, when the men had heard her voice, that they called the ancients of the city.
- A society that subscribes purely to the wisdom of the ancients is a society that can only stagnate as it indulges in pedestrian navel-gazing.
- That musk was a great favourite with the ancients is evident, for the Koran tells us that the waters of Paradise were more odoriferous than musk.
- After many failures with elementary code-breaking techniques, eventually the young, brilliant linguist discovers a Periodic Table, and with that, starts figuring out words like “water” and “rust” and so forth, and lo, the wisdom of the ancients is uncovered.