IPA: ænʌsθˈɛtɪk
- (American spelling, medicine) A substance administered to reduce the perception of pain or to induce numbness for surgery and may render the recipient unconscious.
- Causing anesthesia; reducing pain sensitivity.
- Insensate: unable to feel, or unconscious.
Examples of "anesthetic" in Sentences
- The dose of general anesthetic is kept to a minimum until the baby is delivered.
- Not no, she didn’t have any, but no, she does not understand the word anesthetic.
- Depending on the age of the child, either a local or general anesthetic is used during the eye examination.
- A local anesthetic is used prior to the procedure, and a mild anesthetic is often mixed into the injection fluid.
- The right anesthetic is tailored between you, doctors and pertinent surgical issues (such as time length of surgery).
- To perform the procedure, a local anesthetic is used to numb the skin on the abdomen, and a needle is inserted into the womb to remove some amniotic fluid.
- A footnote in a 1968 review made note of a drug called Sernyl, a short-term anesthetic developed by Parke, Davis for field use by the military but abandoned because, when overadministered, it had produced psychiatric symptoms.
- The sought after substance is sodium thiopental, the short-term anesthetic that is administered to the condemned inmate before the other two drugs that will eventually provide the inmate with a comfortable transition to the hereafter are administered.