IPA: ˈænjʊrˈisʌm
- (pathology) An abnormal blood-filled swelling of an artery or vein, resulting from a localized weakness in the wall of the vessel.
Examples of "aneurysm" in Sentences
- If you EVER had an original thought you would run to the hospital thinking it was a brain aneurysm
- Six months later, he suffered a brain aneurysm that required surgery and extensive rehabilitation.
- British fantasy author Louise Cooper, passed away on October 21, 2009 of a brain aneurysm at her home in Cornwall.
- If any of you brainwashed morons ever had an original thought you would run to the hospital thinking it was a brain aneurysm
- We hope one of David's 29 dimensions describes his ability to not have a brain aneurysm while dealing with the lies and insults coming from eHarmony's staff.
- Even more surprising, given the fear the word "aneurysm" strikes in patients with new diagnoses and their families, is that many small unruptured aneurysms are not treated.
- Ralph Vicinanza, literary agent who sold the work of big-name writers including Stephen King and the Dalai Lama around the world, died of a brain aneurysm Saturday night at age 60.
- Whatever his secret, Kelly – who has died aged 51 after a brain aneurysm – was a consummate performer who reigned supreme at the King's theatres in Glasgow and Edinburgh for 20 years.
- (Last year, a long-standing proposal for a medal honoring organ donors finally became the Stephanie Tubbs-Jones Gift of Life Medal Act, after the Cleveland congresswoman died of a brain aneurysm and her family donated her organs.)