IPA: ˈæŋgɝ
- A strong feeling of displeasure, hostility, or antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with an urge to harm, often stemming from perceived provocation, hurt, or threat.
- (obsolete) Pain or stinging.
- (transitive) To cause such a feeling of antagonism in.
- (intransitive) To become angry.
Examples of "anger" in Sentences
- In addition, we purposely made the title anger and enrage the disbelievers.
- So some of the anger is at him and some at the world, but how do we handle it together?
- Of course, a lot of things get said in anger just to lash out and hurt the person at whom the anger is directed.
- But a chance encounter with Buddhism shows him the anger is his alone, and never serves any good purpose anyway.
- As much as conservatives would like to believe that all this anger is about national politics and conservative principles.
- Hopefully it will spark some more balanced debate, as a professor denied tenure and apparently writing in anger is maybe not the best judge.
- At some level this anger is an attempt at intimidation for Democrats to back off their agenda, but at heart it is the product of a poor education.
- We are entitled to our anger in response to this oppression: our anger is a message to ourselves that we need to get active and change something in order to survive.