
IPA: ˈænʌmʌɫ


  • (sciences) Any eukaryote of the clade Animalia; a multicellular organism that is usually mobile, whose cells are not encased in a rigid cell wall (distinguishing it from plants and fungi) and which derives energy solely from the consumption of other organisms (distinguishing it from plants).
  • (strictly) Any member of the kingdom Animalia other than a human.
  • A higher animal; an animal related to humans.
  • (colloquial) A tetrapod; a land-dwelling nonhuman vertebrate.
  • A warm-blooded animal; a mammal or bird.
  • A non-human mammal.
  • (figuratively) A person who behaves wildly; a bestial, brutal, brutish, cruel, or inhuman person.
  • (informal) A person of a particular type specified by an adjective.
  • Matter, thing.
  • A nickname given to people, especially wild people.
  • (slang) A fan of Kesha, an American singer.


  • Of or relating to animals.
  • Raw, base, unhindered by social codes.
  • Pertaining to the spirit or soul; relating to sensation or innervation.
  • (slang, Ireland) Excellent

Examples of "animal" in Sentences

  • "_hearing the animal speak within the animal_" (if I may so put it), rather than its "human connexion."
  • Oh yeah the old human vs animal argument (humans are animals btw, scientists recognize this so we all should), i suppose you are the sort that says * its only an animal*.
  • I could make nothing of it and asked her again -- "What _is_ deresf?" to which she gave the explanation: "ein tir." (tier = animal) "_An animal_? but I don't know the name! have you heard of it?"
  • Man, according to the old scholastic definition, is "a rational animal" (_animal rationale_), and his animality is distinct in nature from his rationality, though inseparably joined, during life, in one common personality.
  • Quality and quantity, then, do not function like genera, for a genus is signified by any predicate that expresses what a subject is (e.g., in the sentence, ˜Man is an animal,™ ˜animal™ is the genus of man), and categories do not function in this way.
  • The non]violent religious practices of Vaishnavs (who did not practice animal sacrifice, for example) could meet the violence associated with Shakta mother]worship (animal]worship was almost mandatory in Shakta festivals) under the aegis of a new Hindu "wartime" philosophy.
  • It is from the superficial covering, the thin crust with which the earth is covered, composed of the remains of former existence, of the breccia of exhausted nature, that animal creation derives its support; and it is the grand axiom of the universe, that _animal life can only be supported by animal remains_.
  • Popanilla then went on to show that the hitherto received definitions of man were all erroneous; that man is neither a walking animal, nor a talking animal, nor a cooking animal, nor a lounging animal, nor a debt-incurring animal, nor a tax-paying animal, nor a printing animal, nor a puffing animal, but a _developing animal_.
  • An attentive consideration will, however, show the enquirer, that to distinguish man from the remainder of the animal kingdom by his structural characteristics alone, is not so easy a task as would at first sight appear; and he will be obliged at length to return to some such humiliating designation of the _genus animal_, _species homo_, as those above given.

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