IPA: ænʌmˈɑsʌti
- Violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike.
Examples of "animosity" in Sentences
- Punishing someone for "ethnic animosity" is pretty vague.
- As a group, the Russians encountered deep animosity from the French.
- This animosity is based on fear of a Bible believing Christian aspiring to political office.
- What I took issue with is the idea that this animosity translates into votes; normally it does not.
- And in "The Twisted Sisterhood," Valen argues convincingly that such animosity is pervasive and has lasting consequences.
- Anyone who does not think twice about a candidate who inspires such hatred and animosity is working on auto pilot instead of logical thought processes.
- These people who cross over to vote for Clinton are only doing so because there is built-in animosity and vitriol against her for a large portion of the population.
- Some of the animosity is personal: Republicans in both chambers and K Street attorneys say Jackson and her staff are too dismissive of opposing views and other stakeholders.
- I ended up bringing a lot of friends home with me on vacations because it was an opportunity to travel out of the Midwest and a lot of people I met had never been to Washington, D.C. Do you think some of this animosity comes from the fact that Wisconsinites are known as cheeseheads and most Jewish girls are at least a little-bit lactose intolerant?