
IPA: ˈænɪmʌs


  • The basic impulses and instincts which govern one's actions.
  • A feeling of enmity, animosity or ill will.
  • (law) intention, motivation (of a legal person)
  • (Jungian psychology) The masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality.

Examples of "animus" in Sentences

  • The real basis for Praz's animus is not a pleasant one to contemplate, but is clearly set out a pp. 385-86.
  • I’m not sure I understand what, exactly, you have against this guy but your animus is resting on a thin reed here.
  • “I should scarcely expect any animus from a man of your acquirements and knowledge of the world,” the Judge was saying.
  • "I should scarcely expect any animus from a man of your acquirements and knowledge of the world," the Judge was saying.
  • "I should scarcely expect any animus from a man of your acquirements and knowledge of the world," the judge was saying.
  • The lizard brain can’t tell the difference, as long as it gets to yell and scream and wear paint, and there’s much less real violence when the animus is redirected into the safe, simulated environment of team sports.
  • While Governor Huckabee has suffered a few unwarranted attacks, such as deconstructions of his good-hearted Christmas commercial, the notion that criticism of his candidacy stems from anti-evangelical animus is at best silly and at worst a form of pernicious “identity politics”.
  • It's strange that conservatives reflexively counsel welfare recipients to take responsibility and get off the dole, and yet are unwilling to acknowledge what common sense and the data linked to above clearly demonstrate: anti-American animus is largely the result of American foreign policy.
  • I mean, I get that faculty meetings have a strong impulse towards consensus, and a stronger re-writing of the process to create retroactively unanimous consensus (with a good measure of back-pocket, long-term animus thrown in just for fun), but why not just report out that there is division on an issue, and that the (sub)-committee is not yet ready to endorse position 1 or 2.

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