IPA: ænʌsˈɑtrʌpi
- The property of being directionally dependent.
- The degree to which this property is exhibited.
Examples of "anisotropy" in Sentences
- You are overlooking something huge, namely the anisotropy of both wood and CF composites.
- This phenomenon is called "anisotropy" and it has already been observed from the Northern Hemisphere by previous experiments.
- "anisotropy," has been seen from the Northern Hemisphere by previous experiments, she says, but its source is still a mystery.
- COBE also had the task of seeking small variations of temperature in different directions (which is what the term 'anisotropy' refers to).
- We show that the CuO chains of the orthorhombic lattice are not responsible for this anisotropy, which is therefore an intrinsic property of the CuO2 planes.
- And we found with 11 hours of practice over about a month, IBMT changed the white matter connectivity as measured by fractional anisotropy, the diffusion of water along the pathway ...
- In a paper published earlier this month in The Astrophysical Journal they confirmed that more cosmic rays seem to come from certain directions-an observation known as anisotropy-in the Earth's southern hemisphere too.
- Quantum uncertainty fluctuations in the field coupled with local regions of curvature, where this reheating had some measure of inhomogeneity, or as observed from a central location an anisotropy, that is frozen out in what we observe now.