IPA: ʌnaɪʌɫˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of destroying or otherwise turning into nothing, or nonexistence.
- The act of destroying the form or combination of parts under which a thing exists, so that the name can no longer be applied to it.
- The state of being annihilated.
- (physics) The process of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle combining to produce energy.
Examples of "annihilation" in Sentences
- No point sending him off to certain annihilation I suppose.
- Glad to see your program of systemic annihilation is already in effect.
- South Koreans do like to have fun, even in the face of annihilation from the north.
- Since annihilation is our fate, there is nothing for us to do but pray for a swift end.
- Economic annihilation is the unfortunate next step in the path to freedom and Obama can bring it.
- I flicked through some of my stories to see what I did to my characters and the annihilation is there.
- Hutchings points out, such "annihilation" is not synonymous with the human subject's complete loss of identity due to its absorption into nature as an
- To demonize a country, a people for defending themselves against near-constant attack from those who would love nothing better than to see (and work endlessly towards) its total annihilation is beyond moronic.