IPA: ˈænjʌɫɝ
- Pertaining to, or having the form of, a ring; ring-shaped; in the shape of an annulus.
- Banded or marked with circles.
Examples of "annular" in Sentences
- The name annular eclipse comes from the Latin annulus, meaning ring.
- Each year produces a new tree which is seen and known by circular rings called annular growths.
- Because it was Sunday they were having trouble getting the final items for the repairs—a fire extinguisher cartridge and something called the annular.
- KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians will have another chance to observe a partial eclipse, known as the annular solar eclipse, on Jan 15 between 3pm and 5. 45pm.
- The test involves finding the ratio of two quantities called annular differential surface densities (ADSDs) - which are derived from images of galaxies.
- A protruding disc or bulging disc will cause pain when the strips of cartilage called annular fibers have a deficit that permits the nucleus to bulge farther than its normal degree.
- During an annular solar eclipse, the disc of the moon covers the eclipse will be visible partially in Hyderabad on January 15 The eclipse will begin at 11: 29 am KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysians will have another chance to observe a partial eclipse, known as the annular solar eclipse, on Jan 15 between 3pm and 5. 45pm.
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