IPA: ʌnˈɔɪntɪŋ
- anointment
Examples of "anointing" in Sentences
- When morning comes cool breezes caress tender, dry, skin anointing me with freshness
- All that he shall guide you into shall be truth (1 John ii. 27); the anointing is truth.
- Certainly, Red Line is going against popular opinion in anointing J. - P. Levasseur as our choice for No. 1.
- The particular respect which Mary showed him, above the rest, in anointing his feet with sweet ointment, v. 3.
- Because of the way it as treated Hillary and their utter foolishness in anointing the arrogant, lying, pandering, far left wing nut!
- The Dodgers look awfully smart for signing Baez as Eric Gagne insurance; the Phillies look great in anointing Gordon a closer again.
- The apostle's anointing was in order to heal the disease; the popish anointing is for the expulsion of the relics of sin, and to enable the soul (as they pretend) the better to combat with the powers of the air.
- Joel isn't Catholic (though The Ironic Catholic is a frequent contributor of sign photos), but he likes comic books, so I feel justified in anointing him a Sci Fi Christian (I've been working with my bishop to design an appropriate ritual for that, but so far he is cold to the idea).
- Thirty days were alloted for the completion of this process; forty more were spent in anointing it with spices; the body, tanned from this operation, being then washed, was wrapped in numerous folds of linen cloth -- the joinings of which were fastened with gum, and then it was deposited in a wooden chest made in the form of a human figure.