
IPA: ˈænθrʌsaɪt


  • A form of carbonized ancient plants; the hardest and cleanest-burning of all the coals.
  • A dark grey colour.

Examples of "anthracite" in Sentences

  • For ordinary household purposes the best substitute for anthracite is coke.
  • We have been quite fairly treated in Toronto in so far as anthracite is concerned this winter.
  • This coal, known as anthracite, is not found extensively in the United States outside of Pennsylvania.
  • In America, the kind called anthracite occurs among the slate beds, and this species also abounds more in the mountain limestone than with us.
  • But from the best anthracite, which is nearly pure carbon concentrated, if oxygen be entirely excluded, not much can distil away with any degree of heat.
  • Anthracite -- The name anthracite, or hard coal, is applied to those dry coals containing from 3 to 7 per cent volatile matter and which do not swell when burned.
  • The steam engine uses coal, the producer requires English anthracite, which is dearer; the gas motor uses a great deal of water and a great deal of oil, which cost money; and gas motors are dear, while gas producers and their adjuncts cost a tidy bit of money, and wear out pretty fast.
  • There are very many different kinds of coal; some are rich in hydrogen, and are therefore well adapted for making illuminating gas, while others, such as anthracite, are very rich in carbon, and contain but little hydrogen; the last named variety of coal is smokeless, and is therefore largely used for drying malt.
  • Since, however, Canada receives practically all her anthracite from the Wyoming Basin which now supplies about half the anthracite produced on the Continent, at the present rate of production this basin will be exhausted in about thirty-five years, and we cannot expect large supplies from Pennsylvania for many more years.
  • In the mountains of Pennsylvania the same coal beds, somewhat affected by the metamorphism which all the rocks of the Alleghanies have shared, have reached the stage of _semi-bituminous_ coals, where half the volatile constituents have been driven off; again, in the anthracite basins of eastern Pennsylvania, the distillation further effected has formed from these coals _anthracite_, containing only from three to ten per cent. of volatile matter; while in the focus of metamorphic action, at Newport,

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