IPA: æntibæktˈɪriʌɫ
- (pharmacology) A drug having the effect of killing or inhibiting bacteria.
- (pharmacology) Killing or inhibiting bacteria.
- (archaic) Opposing the theory that diseases are caused by bacteria.
Examples of "antibacterial" in Sentences
- They douse their children’s hands in antibacterial gel.
- Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is antibacterial, which is why it is in gums that dentists recommend.
- A lot of people pay a lot of money for those soaps that are called antibacterial specifically, and for good reason.
- The main ingredients in the product—water, aloe vera, calendula, glycerin, vitamin E—were soothing and probably benign but the essential oils described as antibacterial might have been the irritant.
- "The public deserves to know that these so-called antibacterial products are no more effective in preventing infections than regular soap and water and may, in fact, be dangerous to their health in the long run."
- These companies put alcohol in their mouthwash as a flavor carrier, to provide some "burn and bite," and to give a short-term antibacterial shot to your mouth (and it is short-term ... trust me; mouthwash is not necessary, or even very effective, in combating bad breath or the like.)