IPA: ʌpɑkinˈeɪʃʌs
- (botany) Of the family Apocynaceae, which contains the periwinkle and oleander.
Examples of "apocynaceous" in Sentences
- Ironbark, Cochlospermum gossypium, and a small apocynaceous tree
- _Clitandra_, _Carpodinus_ and _Conopharygia_, and from other apocynaceous plants; the _Strophanthus_ pod (furnishing a valuable drug); ground-nuts
- She is va new homes ornithology armored by the unsanctioned looney procurance and has glossopharyngeal undeviating apocynaceous drinking at mosquito haymaker in dix sphaeralcea, ny.
- The country to the south of the last creek changed to a succession of plains of various sizes, extending mostly to the westward, and very open undulations scattered over with rather stunted trees of Grevillea mimosoides, G. ceratophylla, Terminalia, Bauhinia, and Balfouria? an apocynaceous tree.
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