IPA: ʌpˈizʌbʌɫ
- Able to be calmed or pacified.
Examples of "appeasable" in Sentences
- And if not appeasable, whether its threat can be defeated with acceptable costs.
- Presumably, it should be attempting to appease the appeasable Eurosceptic press?
- So the question today is not whether to appease Iran or not -- but whether Iran is appeasable.
- -- Tony blushes her swarthy crimson: Diana, fluttering, rebukes her; but Diana is the appeasable
- That's an entirely legitimate worry, but it's hard to go very far down the road if those enemies refuse even to make a show of being appeasable.
- She explained moreover that wherever she happened to be she found a dropped thread to pick up, a ragged edge to repair, some familiar appetite in ambush, jumping out as she approached, yet appeasable with a temporary biscuit.
- Them he branded, as hypocritical materialists, and the country for pride in her sweetmeat plethora of them: -- mixed with an ancient Hebrew fear of offence to an inscrutable Lord, eccentrically appeasable through the dreary iteration of the litany of sinfulness.
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